One time, after they have sex in present day, she tells Tony that even if she was fucking somebody else (probably there's more of them, says Tony) when they were together, it didn't mean that she didn't love him. You see, the reason why they broke up is because Tony caught her having sex with another guy (shown to us in two flashback scenes). Pauline said yes, but in her heart, she's saying no, until now. Trixie knew about it and she even asked Pauline if she and Tony were through before she hooked up with him. This leaves Tony frustrated, and perhaps one of the reasons why he comes running to the arms of Pauline and is fucking her behind Trixie's back.
She has done almost everything with him in bed except the one that matters most to him: actual penetration of her vagina by his dick. Trixie, meanwhile, is loyal to her boyfriend, Tony. Pauline is the liberated one, casually hooking up with men she meets in bars and having sex with them. Among a group of friends, Pauline ( Diana Zubiri) and Trixie ( Francine Prieto) are best friends.